Frequently Asked Questions
- What if my child or one of my family members is tested positive for COVID-19?
1. 周日到校的任何学生、家长、工作人员,若确诊新冠,请及时通知老师或学校相关人员。
2. 学校将第一时间通知所有可以联系到的,可能与感染者有密切接触*的人员。
3. 若感染者曾在教室停留超过15分钟,在该教室上课的班级临时改上网课2周。
4. 密切接触者如果还没有全剂量接种**疫苗,请进行检疫隔离。
5. 密切接触者若已全剂量接种,且无任何症状,无需隔离,但建议在接触后的3-5天后做一次新冠检测。
6. 轻度或中度感染者在确诊后2周,重度感染者确诊后3周,退烧后至少24小时可回校上课。
* 密切接触 - 24小时内处于6英尺范围内的累计接触时间等于或大于15分钟
** 全剂量接种 - 在2剂量疫苗接种第二剂后2周,或单剂疫苗接种后2周
- I am the on-duty parent at my child's class, what do I need to do?
Please refer to our Parent Duty Instrucations page.
- Can I get my child's parent duty deposit back?
Yes. If you had fulfilled all the duties, when your child graduates or leaves our school, we will refund the parent duty deposit. Please fill out the Parent Duty Deposit Refund Request Form. Once your application is approved, we will mail the check to the mailing address you specified on the form. It takes about 4-6 weeks for us to process the appliction and send out the payment check.
- Due to schedule conflict, my child has to withdraw from Chinese school. Can I get tuition refund?
To withdraw from GCCS, please fill out the GCCS Student Withdraw Request online. Please be aware tuition is fully refundable if we receive your request by the end of 2nd week of class; 50% is refundable if we receive your request by the end of the 4th week of class. No refund will be given after 4th week of class. Your tuition refund check will be mailed to you in about 4 - 6 weeks after we receive your request.
If you would like to get refund for the textbook purchased from GCCS, please bring the textbook to school front desk. Only the textbooks in their original condition will be refunded.